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Cloudesire REST API Introduction

The Cloudesire platform exposes REST API and uses JSON as data exchange format.

URI format

To interact with API resources, you need to use an URL with the format:



Every marketplace has a different API domain, depending on its environment:

As example, the full URL endpoint of would be:


Client should set the request parameter apiVersion globally on every request to avoid failures while the API evolves. This value is a string representation in yyyymmdd format of the date when a breaking changes is introduced to support new features.

GET /api/productVersion?apiVersion=20180312 HTTP/1.1

To discover the latest available version check the source of


Make sure to always set apiVersion query parameter to avoid future breakage of your integration


The API support two different authentication methods:

  • Via username/email and password supplied as standard Basic Authentication;
  • Via an authentication token, short-lived or permanent, that can also be requested via API.

Permanent authentication token

You can request a permanent login token in the profile section once logged into the marketplace control panel, and this should be the preferred authentication method when developing an integration with the Cloudesire API.


You can have only one permanent login token at time, requesting a new one will invalidate the previous one.

Once obtained the token, set on every HTTP request two additional headers:

  • CMW-Auth-Token: the token you got from your profile

A good test would be to retrieve your user profile:

GET /api/user/me HTTP/1.1
CMW-Auth-Token: my_token

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 15:05:52 GMT

    "acceptedTerms": true,
    "activated": true,
    "activationDate": "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "address": {
    "address": "Via Pisana",
    "city": "Pisa",
    "country": "ITALY",
    "countryCode": "IT",
    "id": 4,
    "zipCode": "12345"
    "company": {
        "url": "company/1"
    "creationDate": "2014-07-02T08:20:01Z",
    "email": "",
    "enabled": true,
    "environment": "cloudesire",
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Demo Vendor",
    "newbie": false,
    "phoneNumber": "0123456789",
    "self": "user/3",
    "userName": "vendor",
    "userRole": "ROLE_VENDOR"

A 200 response with a json body representing your user profile means that you successfully authenticated and you can start developing the integration.

Response codes

200OKThe request was successful
201CreatedThe request was successful and a resource was created
204No ContentThe request was successful but there is no representation to return (the response is empty)
400Bad RequestThe request could not be understood or was missing required parameters
401UnauthorizedAuthentication failed or authentication token is expired
403ForbiddenAccess denied, you can't do that.
404Not FoundResource was not found, or was deleted recently
405Method Not AllowedRequested method is not supported for the specified resource
500Internal Server ErrorYou have just found a bug and we have been already alerted
503Service UnavailableThe service is temporary unavailable (e.g. server maintenance). Try again later

Error response

Every time a non-successful response in generated, a JSON payload returns with a list of error messages in errorHolders field, with a human-readable message in the error field plus an error message in key field with %placeholder% that can be replaced in extraFields field:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json

  "errorHolders": [{
    "key": "unsupported-file-type-%detected%-%supported%",
    "error": "Unsupported file type: image/jpeg",
    "extraFields": {
        "detected": "image/jpeg",
        "supported": "image/png"

Common Characteristics

There a few common traits that needs to be know:

  • there is always a self field that represent its unique URL (e.g.: user/3), use GET on it to fetch the resource;
  • referenced resources (e.g.:, are referenced by an object containing an url field with the resource endpoint (e.g.: company/123)
  • Date field are in ISO 8601 format containing both time and timezone information (UTC as default).

HTTP Methods

Usually each resource support the basic CRUD operations mapped on five HTTP verbs:

  • GET for retrieving
  • POST for creation
  • PUT for modification
  • DELETE for deletion
  • PATCH for partial updates

Sometimes the method PATCH is used either for partial modification or for custom actions.

API Reference

Look at the dedicated API Reference page.